Ball King

Ball King is another super simple game that you can find on Google Play. The app is all about scoring points with a basketball ball – it is as simple as this.

When we say that Ball King is a simple game, we mean it – the app features graphics from the early 1990s and the gameplay inside the game consists of just throwing a ball and trying to score like you are playing basketball. You can see the expected trajectory of the ball so this helps and Ball King changes the place of the hoop to make the game more interesting and challenging. Each successful shot gives you one point – if you miss, though, the game is over.

There isn’t that much else to say about this game – like we said Ball King is a super simple game. The app features 2D graphics and simple sound and this is it. Ball King is not a bad game after all – it brings fun, it does not have a learning curve and it is the perfect solution when you simply want to play a game and kill some time.

Ball King is here on Google Play.