KillZone 2 – one of most anticipated game for PS3 reviewed

killzone2 coverSo finally one of most anticipated games for Playstation 3 is now reviewed. If you still waiting for it to hit the store shelves and wondering is it worth, you could take a look at review from IGN,  of course We’re not gonna pretend that we are on the same opinion and  just give you some fresh information.

by Jeff Haynes

Search and Destroy tasks one team with trying to blow up a location with two explosives before time runs out, while the other side attempts to defend that target and defuse any placed explosives. Assassination marks one player for death, and that player has to avoid being killed by rivals to score. What’s great about the Skirmish mode is that it allows newcomers to get a sense of the maps that will be played within the online space, as well as the various classes and abilities granted within the multiplayer component of Killzone 2READ MORE

killzone 2 review

