Samsung to dramatically increase Wi-Fi speed

In the recent years one of the main goals of the computer industry is to make all connections wireless. After all, do you really want to have a cable connection to all your computers, tablets and smartphones in your house? Nothing is perfect, though, and in most cases even Wi-Fi has bandwidth problems, especially if you download huge games or 4K videos.

Samsung promises it will solve all your Wi-Fi bandwidth issues thanks to the new 802.11ad standard, developed by the company. What’s even better is that Samsung has already made its first steps towards making the new standard a commercial reality. Devices that use the new standard operate at 60 GHz speeds which promises 5-10 times faster Wi-Fi speeds compared to the current fastest 802.11ac Wi-Fi protocol. Thus if you use 802.11ad Wi-Fi you will be able to transfer a 1 GB file in just 3 seconds. In addition to that the new technology will allow uncompressed high-definition videos to be streamed in real time. Formally speaking, the 802.11ad speed is limited to 4.6 Gb/sec.  

Devices that use the new Wi-Fi standard will come out in 2015 but wider adoption is expected a few years later. As you can imagine 802.11ad Wi-Fi will be used in communications equipment and various digital devices but Samsung will also integrate the technology in medical equipment.

Source: Samsung