Chess Warrior

Chess is perhaps the best and most important game there is. Conceived in antiquity the game requires skill, logical thinking, strategy, and of course some luck to win. The game is truly a masterpiece and the number of games that you can play without repeating a certain game is mind-boggling. This is why we were really excited when we saw Chess Warrior on Google Play – a game that we thought would take you to the chess board where you will be able to play in 3D and command chess pieces that look like real warriors.

Unfortunately Chess Warrior turned out to be another lemon on Google Play and to say that we were disappointed would be an underestimation. The game is first, not chess, and second, it is a bunch of pictures and puzzles that you have to solve and nothing more. Add measly 4 menus only, with two of them being something that looks like a game, tons of in-game ads, no sound at all and you can easily see that Chess Warrior is clearly a waste of time and hardware resources.

The verdict is clear – if you want to play chess on your Android device, look for some other chess app.

Chess Warrior is here on Google Play in case you want to take a look.