
Skydoms is a game that does not tell its story in the title. Instead the game features a picture that shows an enraged female creature, which means there will be fighting in the app.

Indeed this is what the game is all about but there’s much more to it. It turns out Skydoms is a role-playing game that includes some matching – the one you can see in games like Candy Crush Saga. But how does Skydoms combine these gameplay features? Well, in a really interesting way.

The game starts asking you what type of hero you want to play with – a warrior, a wizard or an assassin and after you choose one of them you will enter Training Island where you will learn how to play the game. Doing so is not hard at all – the app imagines you are travelling to some place and while on the road you meet enemies – to fight them you will have to unlock powers by matching colorful squares with each one of them having a certain power. Once you do the might of this power will hit your enemy and cause damage. Do this a few times and you may end up being victorious, which will allow you to upgrade your character, find allies and then fight more and more enemies (and tougher at that as well).

Sounds interesting, doesn’t it? However, Skydoms will have to disappoint you some in the graphics department – the app comes with 2D graphics only but we have to say they will do. In the sound department the app is nice and does not disappoint. All in all – great job here!

Skydoms is a game that will appeal to fans of the RPG genre and to people who like action games with some strategy inside. By saying this we have to also say that Skydoms by itself is a nice game that offers interesting gameplay and features that you cannot see every day. All this makes the app worth your attention so download it and have fun – you will not be let down by it!

Skydoms is here on Google Play.