Brain Maker

It is a little hard to guess what Brain Maker is all about – obviously the game will have something to do with your brain but what is it? It turns out that the game is a brain teaser where you will have to solve numerous puzzles in a matter of seconds so we can easily say that Brain Maker will make your brain a bit stronger and more intelligent. What’s not to like then?

The app does not shine with graphics or sound, so expect just 2D graphics and decent sound effects that will do, but the gameplay is simply great, especially if you like puzzle games. Brain Maker will put you right in the game so there aren’t any long and boring tutorials here. Instead you will have to solve five different puzzles within limited time and each successfully solved puzzle will give you IQ points that will finally be summed up. In a way the game will tell you how smart you are but it is tough to get a good result – each puzzle shows its rules for just a few seconds and then starts. Each correct response gives you IQ points but each wrong answer deducts IQ points so the end result may not please you. In a few words Brain Maker requires quick thinking and then more of it.

Brain Maker is a great game that will appeal best to puzzle lovers but then again everyone can play it to see how smart they are. The app comes for free as always and you can find it here on Google Play. All in all Brain Maker is worth some of your time – and if you don’t score that well, you can always use it to kill some time.