Borderline – Life on the Line

Borderline – Life on the Line is one of the best games that we have seen recently. The app is not a large one and at around 35 MB in size it should be on your Android device in minutes. The size of the app is not the most important thing, though – it is the gameplay that will keep you hooked and playing this game.

Borderline – Life on the Line is an arcade game where you will have to guide something that looks like a white ball. The main idea is to go as far as possible and score as many points as you can but it will not be that easy. Fortunately guiding the ball is easy – touch the right side of your display and the ball will go right, do the same in the left half of the display and watch the ball go left. Don’t touch anything and the ball will be in the middle of the display. Sounds easy, doesn’t it? Well, things are not that easy in the game – while the ball is traveling it will encounter obstacles and if you are not careful enough (or fast enough) you will be dying a lot. Now if you are careful you will have the chance to collect jewels (or something that looks like them) and get more points. So as you can see the game is all about being fast and reacting at the right time.

Borderline – Life on the Line is surprisingly simple yet hard. The game does not come with any fancy graphics or sound but in reality you do not really need any of these features. Instead you are expected to play and you will be doing it. We don’t see any downsides to this game except for one thing – it may be really difficult for some of you and it might make you really angry, so keep this in mind and if you tend to get mad quickly then this app may not be for you. Apart from this Borderline – Life on the Line is a really fine game.

Borderline – Life on the Line is here on Google Play.