Stick Cricket

Stick Cricket is a game that will take you to the world of cricket.

The game offers tons of options to choose from including eight game modes right from the start. There’s also an in-game tutorial that will teach you the basics of cricket and how to play this game in case you are not familiar with it. Then you are on your own so choose a game mode and play.

The game treats your eyes with nice 3D graphics and numerous colors so we can say that it does look very well. Strangely enough the app does not have any sound for the most part. The in-game menus are quiet and the only thing you will hear is a clicking sound, which confirms that the game has accepted your command. Inside certain game modes you will also hear the audience screaming but pretty much this is it.

Stick Cricket is a hard game to review because there’s a major prerequisite – it is for people who know the rules of cricket and how to play it. If you do, then you will have fun with this game, but if this is not the case you are in for some hard time. The app is not a bad one but it is not nice to feel lost inside. If you know how to play cricket, then go for this free Android app, if not keep on looking for another Google Play game.

Stick Cricket is here on Google Play.